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Hobby Lobby

Concept creation and execution of Hobby Lobby social content.​​

  • Instagram product stories

  • Illustrated + animated Giphs

  • Christmas TV concept

Instagram Stories

TV (concept) -

"Christmas Is What You Make It."

"Oh Christmas Tree" | TV:30

Style: As we hear the VO play in between the lyrics, we see photographs of people decorating their trees for Christmas. Each photo uses slight animation of flickering lights and scaling to bring dimension to the scene (as seen above).

Attached Music Score:

We open overlooking a Vermont Christmas tree farm and see a family walking with their dog.


Lyrics: O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree


Cut indoors to a little boy and his grandma decorating Christmas cookies.


Lyrics: How lovely are thy branches


Cut to cactuses in front of an Arizona home in the desert. A mom and daughter hang Christmas lights on them.


Lyrics: O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree


Cut to see a little girl drawing a tree in the frost of her window.


Lyrics: How lovely are thy branches


Cut to a small choir singing. Their songbooks have Christmas trees on the front.


Lyrics: Your boughs so green in summertime


Cut to see a little boy at the base of a tree with a train. It weaves between bright yellow and blue packages, then evergreens as it rounds a bend.


Lyrics: Stay bravely green in wintertime


Cut to a small plastic white Christmas tree in a minimalist home


Lyrics  O tannenbaum, o Christmas tree

Cut to a mango tree with tinsel on it.

Cut to a tiny tree in an empty apartment

Cut to a classic tree with a family around it and a cat at the base, batting at a glass ball.


Lyrics: How lovely are thy branches


SPR:    Christmas is what you make it.

            50% off Christmas


Hobby Lobby

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